Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the Finality of the Decision

sunk in today.

The past few days I was a tad worried. Worried that I wasn't "feeling" enough.Worried that I had become that cold, emotionless lady that I fear I would become.

Today, I discovered that I am human.

I guess I should be happy. Better prospects. Better money. New people. A humongous challenge.

But why is it that I feel such a dull ache. The extreme sadness.

A friend told me that the first time leaving makes it harder. But i guess these people, great friends that we have become are the reason I enjoy going to work each day.

They say time will change a person. I really hope after the two years, I'll still be the same. Just wiser and a lil more weathered.


H.C. Tan said...

girl u made the decision d...go!!!! afterall u have been working hard the past yr...im sure many would kill to be in ur shoes

~charng said...

hehe..thanks for the vote of confidence girl :) So disappointed we cant be "neighbours":P

narrowband said...

And I have just decided against trying my luck at a seemingly better prospect. Either way, whichever path we choose, it's up to us to make it bear fruit :D

~charng said...

narrowband - Hey, :) I bet you have very solid reasons to why you made the decision. At the end of the day, what's most important is making the best of the decision that's been made. Right? :)