Thursday, September 04, 2008

In foreign land

Of course, it's only but 400 km away from where I used to call home ... and perhaps 800 km away from real home...

I must be sounding like a real baby.

I can't deny the homesickness. I can get used to it. This new life. I love the fitness culture here actually. Pretty uplifting to see fellow jogging aficionados around.

It's strange leaving KL after I've been there for sometime and gotten so used to it. I'm missing everyone. Amidst the hustle, I was too emotionally wrecked to remember thanking all these great people whom I wont get to see so often.

My fellow breakfast mates, great friends who keep me uplifted at work....

My kawan- kawan baik from MMU days who are some of my bestest friends now....both the guys and the gals... these all the people I confide my darkest secrets too!

I want my girls night out, shopping excursions and crazy jogging sessions back!!

eh, where is Sat? :D Of course not all my girls I have in the pic. Where are you Viv! Chu! Sue Anne!KHEK YANG!

More pals from work. In fact, I think I'm gonna miss the entire office. I never felt more happy to go to work each day....

Then there is Joey, and Jamie..and Julliana....
both these gals have been here the first day I joined Tyco and have been my makan partner, partners in crime ever since... I love you guys!!!

Thank you guys for the lovely farewells. Made me all choked up. The flowers, the gifts.. the catching up sessions.. the photograph sessions....

No worries! I'll be BACK! Watch out!


Satkuru said...

OOOoo now like that ler -_-" go Spore only put up statement like Eh where's Sat?


Ganas, looks like fun over there. well well enjoy your new environment :)

Eunice said...

good luck to u ;)

EISSEJ said...

heiii.. you are in singapore now???
Transfer due to work?
All the best and good luck ya girl!
So proud of you! :)

Me said...

miss heng !!!!!!!
where are u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when are u coming back to KL :P

~charng said...

Sat - Hahah, I uploaded the photo,then realized you weren't inside!! Sorry k??

Heheh, those photos are in KL lar..
Come visit me k?

Eunice - Thank you! So nice seeing you the other day..

Jessie - Yupyup, just transferred. Thanks! How are YOU doing?

Viv- GIRLLLL!!! add me in Skype! I'll be going sometime end of the month.. will call you up k? You better be free. haha.