Thursday, December 11, 2008

Really really mad

Lately been feeling like not giving a damn about anything anymore. What with responsibilities and sacrificing for the good of mankind ( or a purpose to be exact). I was told that this is all part and parcel of the learning process. You can always opt to act dumb and stay mum. Or. Step it up and take in as much as you can. Regardless of how much you'll be appreciated.

So what happens when you do more and get slapped in the face. No one really cares the amount of effort you've put inside. The amount of hours you have sacrificed.

Is it worth it? I wonder. I bet most ppl go through this in their careers. Today, I look back and finally understand why ppl choose 9-5 jobs with specific job scopes.

Why people get fed up after years of taking in all this s***. Workload is not a problem. But when I get backstabbed I get really really PISSED.

How much have I neglected myself. Unruly hair, pimple face filled with blemishes, flabbiness and owl like eyes... and for what???????????????

When did I start becoming so bitter and angry......

The only things i look forward to......counting the days to the limited weekends with loved ones/ one....days that i can sleep soundly.......


Anonymous said...

A character in the movie " The Weather Man" said this
"Growing up is realizing reality and learning to give up dreams"...

I guess we all live in a world masquerade and hardship...but its good cause then we will learn to appreciate what we have (had) more :D

Smile Smile !

WhyWhyWhy888 said...
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WhyWhyWhy888 said...

Hey lenglui how about spending time with nature? its beautiful, just like you are ;)

Eunice said...

I hope you are alright :)
9-5 is not exactly nice too...

WhyWhyWhy888 said...

Hi Eunice, I'm leaving my comp. Agilent to form my own software company. Do u wanna join the fun too? :) U don have to leave your job at all. Just tell me what u are good at! I just wan genuine frens and opinions. Profits? $$? Sure can one.