Sunday, March 08, 2009

How much is enough?

Reading a book called...

The Paradox of Choice..Why MORE is LESS..

Decisions after decisions.

Choices and then...more choices.

The book says of how more options may prove to be detrimental. I looked into the mirror and wondered if I am a maximizer..or a satisficer.

A person who analyzes, researches, weighs options, ponders prior making decisions and then, ponder again if those decisions were the best ones.

Or a person who knows what they want and relishes in joy upon achieving it regardless of better opportunities posted in the future.


Results of survey show that, people who are well off enough to lead a comfortable life have almost similar levels of happiness to people who are extremely rich. Money counts. But when you have enough money to be happy, more money wont escalate the level of happiness. True? I dont know..cause I'm not very rich mar...

Reminded me of a chapter in Outliers - The Story of Success by Malcom Gladwell ( which btw is a REALLY good book)

Chapter on "The Trouble With Geniuses, Part 1" makes one reevaluate the overrated hoo-hah on high IQ. Says here in the books...

A person with an IQ of 50 would not have the mental ability to attend regular school
A person with an IQ of 75 might not be able to master elementary subjects in regular school
A person with an IQ of 105 might not be able to accommodate academic curriculum in high school/ college
A person with an IQ of 115 might not be able to graduate from a 4 year accredited four year college

In short, to graduate and to have sufficient mental ability to obtain a degree and succeed, you need a minimal of an IQ of 115. Beyond that, other factors come into play to determine success! Right? Quote
A mature scientist with an adult IQ of 130 is as likely to win a Nobel Prize as one whose IQ is 180. there always a certain benchmark? For humans will constantly hunger for more. When will it be enough for us? When should we stop running and chasing and start being happy?

I wonder.

On a lighter note. Caught up with darling Wei Li yesterday.... and did some shopping. Finally bought my skincare range. Yay!

Then little sisters wanted to go to Orchard again. Which is how I saw that

NINE WEST IS ON SALE! 50% off..with additional 10% with 2 item purchased.

So, I bought lor.

I need some nice shoes for work ma. :P

Monday, February 23, 2009

in the name of beauty

Was in the midst of clearing my beauty pot.You know how beauty products have a certain lifetime? Well, much of what i own is wayyyy past its " Baik Sebelum" date. I really need to put serious thought into replenishing these supplies.

Want list

1. Sunblock! Sunblock! Sunblock! ( Asians and fair skin)
2. Hair curlers ( Mine got lost in migration)
3. Good skin foundation? ( Recommendations?)
4. Pretty pink, lightweight blusher
5. Silky epilator ( Considering IPL.... what say you?)
6. Source for good skincare........... ( thinking of trying Kiehl's)

That's it...for now.... :P

Next, find budget.

Ohya... we went shopping... and got..






Friday, February 06, 2009



After all these years, I start to look back and wonder... has it always been me?

Clouded with bouts of overflowing confidence, have I always wallowed in self centeredness...

I've walked around in circles. Only to bump into yet another crossroad. One clouded with even more fog....

I'm confused.Emotionally drained.

Stay strong. For when the fog clears, you'll instinctively know the road to take.....

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

More vain stuff....

Have not always been a vain VAIN girl. But.... recently am so happy with this shampoo that wanna share with the rest of the world.. heheh

A while back...when I'm in Penang, was really unhappy with my current hairstyle ( dont know why).

Then I got back and used my shampoo back in Sg. Suddenly, it's all shiny, natural and lovely again. The miracles a dollop of shampoo can do. :D

So please use ya. Guarantee as happy as me.

Cheers to beautiful hair.. *grin*

Monday, February 02, 2009

Vanity Post

I.. have..been...posting...too..much.. Yay.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

The bed at home somehow feels so much more comfortable.

Happy to be home.

Happy to be with my family.

Happy he'll be here soon.

Happy that it's gonna be a good start to the year.

So many movies wanna watch...!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I love how sometimes authors speak the words to your heart...

Excerpt from Eclipse ( Twilight Book 3)

The word boyfriend had me chewing on the inside of my cheek with a familiar tension while I stirred. It wasn't the right word, not at all. I needed something more expressive of eternal commitment....But words like destiny and fate sounded hokey when you used them in casual conversation....

:P hmmm....

Monday, January 19, 2009


I've been so emotional lately.And cannot sleep even though its so late..

But like Yin said... just wanna live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it! Yeahh!

Thoughts jumbled in a massive web right now.My mind's at unrest. Very emotionally driven decisions...I've made recently. WHY? Have always been this rational, mature person...HMM...Priorities..priorities..

Ohya....HUGE fan of books. Managed to read twilight the past week. Poor sleepy lg had to endure the movie with me. What can I say.. HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT! Robert Pattison is just so not what I'd expected of Edward. Bella's rather pretty though. The emotions that should have been the emphasis of the movie, as in the not there. I don't know, perhaps I have a rather flashy imagination, dramatizing everything.Sigh.Money No Enough 2 was much better, squeezing a few tears here and there from yours truly.

Next, have had really ODD experiences with cabbies in Sg. Who would have thought right.

Me: (Address of my current residence), please
Cabdriver: Girl, you dont sound like you are Singaporean. Are you Malaysian?
Me: Er,, ya.
Cabdriver: You speak very good English ya, so thought of settling down here?
Me: Nah, I dont think so.My bf is in KL.
Cabdriver: Aiyo, Malaysia good ? Not good lar.... Singapore better. So you staying alone here?
Me: Nopes with landlady.
Cabdriver: I see. But as in renting alone right?
Me: Yup.
Cabdriver:I stay alone too.
Cabdriver: you are working nearby?
Me: Yup.
Cabdriver: Oh, I'm staying in ( somewhere in Sg). Was thinking you can stay with me.
Cabdriver: So will you be going back for CNY?
Me: Yup. Trying to get tics.
Cabdriver: Noneed to go back lar..Can stay with me..

I don't know. Maybe it's something I did, project, said wrong. This is definitely not the first time. Not that I was trying to attract unnecessary attention.Looking my dawdiest, covered in baggy overalls and jackets, looking like a lost tourist all the time.I think work stress in the Lion city is eating into the ppls mental health.

Some thoughts:

Money is really NOT everything.
Live is about taking chances.
Success is not measured by material wealth, no. of luxury cars, fancy titles, tailored suits, branded bags......
No regrets.
Live and love every moment as it passes.
Cherish the people who care and love you.
Appreciate the people who have trusted you and granted you chances.
A smile brings you a million miles.

:D Counting down the days..........

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The year that was

Read through the few posts I'd put up for the past year. Saw myself through the eyes of an outsider. And considered putting behind this collection of memories that I'd build up for the past few years.

2008. For the rest of the world.

A special year for many.

Auspicious date to tie the knot.

New careers for young adults like myself.

Renewed friendships.

Rise of terrorism.

A year of earth shattering natural disasters.

The Great Depression?

For me, it was 365 chapters of a great epic.Everyday served to be a eye-popping adventure, with steep right angled learning curves.

2008. For mini me.

1. The dawn of many a beautiful friendships.
Made many great friends, especially my buddies at work. Us BFFs got together finally geographically.Met up with many of the Georgians...even SKBLians.....Feels so great that we are now all grown up now.How IS everyone?

2. Giant steps to my tiny career
The first year's a honeymoon. Getting thrown into the job now.Being forced to learn so quick..I'm starting to think I can move mountains. Of course, I am but a miniscule creature in the entire organization. I've gotta stay tough... and try even harder!Thank you to all the ppl who have given me this opportunity!!

3.Forgotten diet schemes, and growing tummies and gastronomical affairs.
Working late and slugging the entire weekend sometimes makes one feel the need for a scrumptious reward.That's what keeps me going. Then of course the trips back to Pg, Kl and then when Mr D drops by to visit in Sg. Happiness often leads to makan-ing. Havent ate so much for ages.Have gotta do something about it quick ( mental note to include in new year resolution)

4.A sudden conscience for thrift
With the conversion rate, with the added benefits, I SHOULD have a tad bit more moo-lah to spend and launch into a crazy shopping spree...being in a shopaholic haven. Surprise.. Surprise. Actually am starting to get bored with the streets of Orchard. Walk by without even much of a glance at the big SALE sign in VIVO.

5.Back to my bookworm days
Long hours in the MRT. Books are my answer to commuting. As such an entire shelf of novels ( books are somewhat cheaper here) and self help books.Of course not to forget my monthly collection of Fashion mags, Health mags, Homestyle mags and also... :d

6. In line to receive loyal customer of the year from budget airlines.
A large chunk of what earned each month goes into a fund to be donated to either AirAsia, Jetstar, TigerAir and even MAS. Sigh... if only i could teleport.

7. the ONE.
Controversial. But the best decision I have made ever.I may be wrong, but it never felt so right.Affecting other ppl around was not intentional.Believe in the feeling. Have trusted my instincts all my life. And to date, have never regretted once. :)
So true?

Something Duncan shared....

A great great year all in all.

and I spy into my magic ball.

2009 will be a greater one. With much much more to rejoice.